Monday, May 30, 2011

Short Stories

Though I sort of started my affair with writing by daydreaming short stories on long boring afternoons, I've never been that taken by it, dunno. I think everything I dream up, becomes such a huge an idea, that it would never be contained and properly told within a short story format.... or I'm just not that good at it. I guess we must suck at something :(

Haha, with that in mind, I did get inspired to write a trilogy of very short stories around Halloween of '10.  Though not exactly connected, they do share the same basic format; they all contain a specific word(s) blanked out, and they all have a sort of try to say something about death on their own way.  They aren't anything special, but quick, to the point and cool.

They are: The Hand," "The Puppy," and "The Smile."  And you can find them all on their very own tab above.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Rapture

Hello and welcome to my blog.

My name is Francis and I'm novelist living in NYC.  I just recently published my very first novel, an old fashioned haunted house story entitled: VIOLET HILL OR THE MAD DIARIES OF NICHOLAS RAMPLING, available through amazon in paperback and kindle version.

It's kind of ironic, and quite on point for someone like myself to decide to create a blog and facebook page to promote my work on what's supposed to be the beginning of the end for all of us: The Rapture, according to some radio pastor from California.  Maybe this will be my first and last post, who knows.  If it isn't, then please come back in the next few days as I'll be adding stuff around here until everything looks good, up and running properly.
